Monday, October 15, 2007

Ray of Hope Story Refreshing

This is the story of Jason Ray, the mascot for North Carolina who was killed after being struck by a car earlier this year. After reading it I don't see how you can't feel sadness for his family and joy for the families of the people he saved. The young man clearly had a passion for life and the people in it. It is so tragic that this is the way he had to go. Though if you can ever beat death, he clearly has done it.

His death saved the lives of 4 other people. He bettered the lives not only of these people, but of their families and friends as well. The way those peoples' lives are affected is a direct result of Jason deciding to donate his organs. It should inspire anyone who isn't a donor or cannot decide if they want to be one. Like he says, what good is my heart if its buried in the ground.

These are the kind of stories that should be reported on. These are the acts that make you proud to be involved in sports and be a fan of sports. While this act is great no matter who did it, the fact that it has a tie in with college athletics only makes it more important that the story be told.

Ray of Hope [ESPN]